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2024 photos of Adopted puppies at                          1 year


I just wanted you to know Daisy(rosanne) is doing so awesome:) She is the best puppy ever she even plays fetch already! We love her so much &we are so Thankful for what you and your family does that there are trustworthy responsible Breeders out there:)

Thanks you so much for her. Theres H.

Testimonials and pictures of puppies gone to their homes 2017


Enzo at 1 yr. 8lbs(speedster)

He is extremely happy, smart, & loyal puppy. He loves meeting new people & new dogs & is always full of energy. He is a quick learner, kennel trained in 2 months. He is know how to sit.shake,ley down & stay. He is a very smart little guy.  Austin T.

maltipo (L),minigoldendoodle(r)


Photo from the Kelly Family

Sunny-1 Year Old Goldendoodle

Henry a F1b mini-goldendoodle  @1 year, 25lbs.  2017

Louis a mini-goldendoodle,his new home in California.
He's perfect in every way. We love him. Thanks you, what a Blessing, Amy Flowers

Arend & lexi Johnson with 1yr old mini-goldendoodle from countryacrespuppies.And newly adopted Farley :) He does attend dog day care. Is well trained, They tell me hes  very smart dog, he says he has trained him to go leash free at the parks:) Also very loyal. They needed a companion. They love him.

 From Ilinois.



Marc, Dawn, Matt & Amanda Blanton 2017



We have nothing but amazing things to say about Mattie.

She is adorable~very sweet~hilarious~super energetic~great personality. She is 8months 15lbs. She is all around a great dog. We couldnt be happer.Thanks again for such a great dog. Jake & Danielle

Katie Kunle-with f1b maltipoo (Carlis) 2017

Almost a year ago I picked up Louie from Countryacres puppies. He has since become my absolute best friend & love of my life. He has the best personality & loves to snuggle & play fetch.He is 7lbs. He now lives with me in my college apartment & great study  buddy. I cannot thank you guys enough for bringing Louie to me. I truly cant imgine life without him.

Trish Terrace, Missouri


Business Hours:  Mon-Friday  8:30am-4:30pm 
Sat. 8:30-11;30  Closed Sunday & Holidays 

We will be here Tues. evening until 5pm
Puppy visits are by appointment only. Thank you!

 Contact us today: 815-419-5245
Ask for Randall or Janis Fehr
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