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Country Acres Puppies Purchase Agreement:


This puppy or dog is guaranteed to be in a good health to the best of our knowledge, at the time of sale. We have vaccinated according to the medical records. We have also dewormed the puppy. You must take your puppy for his/her first veterinarian visit with in one week of the purchase date. If the vet finds a serious defect in the puppy, it can be exchanged for another puppy or equal value, immediately or as soon as one becomes available, provide a letter from your vet as evidence of the animals defect. The puppy has a health guarantee extending 7 days beyond the day you take the puppy home against major diseases. In the case of the animals death within the 7 day period, an autopsy must be arranged & paid for by the buyer and findings must be submitted to the seller before any exchange will be made. We also guarantee up to & no more than 12 months from statement date against any major genentic defects. We are not responsible for puppies that go down with hypoglycemia, colds, coccida, or any minor illness.

We are not responsible for any vet bills you incur with the puppies purchased from us. The seller assumes no responsibility for this animal leaving the premises for any medical expenses, allergies, training difficulties, behavior problems,or any other reason. Also, ownership is transferred, this guarantee becomes void.

I have read the above & agree to these conditions. I the buyer, agree & understand that this is a legal & binding contract & if taken to court,agree to pay all court, attorney fees& the amount of purchase in full.


Business Hours:  Mon-Friday  8:30am-4:30pm 
Sat. 8:30-11;30  Closed Sunday & Holidays 

We will be here Tues. evening until 5pm
Puppy visits are by appointment only. Thank you!

 Contact us today: 815-419-5245
Ask for Randall or Janis Fehr
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